Experiment No.3

Experiment No.3

2x resistors, 1x 5V1 400mW Zener Diode.

R= 100Ω and RL= 100Ω, Vs= 12v

The value of Vz = 4.98v at 12v

To vary Vs from 10-15v we get the readings:
  • 10v = 4.73v
  • 11v = 4.88v
  • 12v = 4.98v
  • 13v = 5.03v
  • 14v = 5.07v
  • 15v = 5.10v
The readings that I have recorded have all come out slightly different although they can all be rounded to 5v. This shows me that this circuit is used as a 5v regulator.

When I reverse the polarity of the zener diode my reading of Vz changes from 4.98v down to 863mV at 12v. The 4.117V change in voltage readings is due to the zener diode being polarity conscious.